Powers of Attorney

Lasting Powers of Attorney: Insurance for your Future


A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a legal document which allows a trusted party to make key decisions on healthcare and finances if you develop an illness which leaves you mentally incapable of making such decisions. An LPA is a legal document that lets an individual appoint one or more ‘attorneys’ to manage affairs and make decisions on their behalf, or to help them make such decisions.


At AFG Law our solicitors draw on years of experience advising clients in relation to the preparation, supply and registration of a lasting power of attorney.


Types of LPA

There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney. One takes care of property and financial affairs, the other covers personal welfare.


Property and Financial Affairs LPA

This allows an appointed attorney to make financial decisions, including management of a person’s property, bills and pension.


Health & Welfare LPA

This allows an appointed attorney to make choices about your medical care and care arrangements. There are certain things your attorney cannot do, for example, they cannot vote on your behalf, and they cannot approve a marriage or civil partnership.


Lasting Power of Attorney Services at AFG Law

As well as advising you on making an LPA that is best suited for you, we can provide expert guidance on:

  • Registering an LPA
  • Objecting to the registration of an LPA
  • If you are suspicious about the Illegal use of an LPA
  • Acting as professional attorneys
  • Advice on ‘Enduring Power of Attorney’
  • Court of Protection Deputyship applications
Why not get in contact with us? Get in touch!

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