Will I get in trouble during lock down if I leave the house to take my children to see their other parent?
The quick answer is no provided no one in the household is displaying symptoms of Covid-19. The Government has released guidance to say that when parents don’t live in the same household, children under 18 can be moved between their parents’ homes. This can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/full-guidance-on-staying-at-home-and-away-from-others/full-guidance-on-staying-at-home-and-away-from-others
However, you will still need to follow good hygiene practices and social distancing during handover.
If the children, or any member of that household, are displaying any symptoms of coronavirus then you must self-isolate and follow the Government guidance to stop the spread of the virus. Children should not be transferred between households in this situation. CAFCASS have developed helpful guidance and suggestions about how children can maintain their relationship with the other parent during any period of self-isolation. https://www.cafcass.gov.uk/grown-ups/parents-and-carers/covid-19-guidance-for-children-and-families/