Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Domestic Violence Support Signposting

As AFG LAW continue our recognition and support of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, in our latest blog we are signposting ways that both those who are suffering domestic abuse and those who are concerned about loved ones can get help.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and is a way to unite advocates, organisations and individuals across the UK in their effort to end domestic violence.

Domestic violence can be complex and impacts on women, children and men alike. It can often be understood as pattern of behaviours used to keep control over a partner and can manifest in many different ways.

Domestic abuse can include, but it is not limited to:

  • Physical abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Financial control
  • Controlling and coercive behaviour
  • Psychological abuse

The Family Team at AFG LAW have provided a list of organisations who will be able to help if you or someone you care about is suffering from domestic violence.

Women’s Aid

Women’s Aid is a national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children across England. It provides life-saving services across England, where building a future where domestic abuse is not tolerated.

The organisation can help with housing, safety planning, dealing with the police and more.

People can use the online messaging service for instant access to a support worker by visiting Home – Women’s Aid (womensaid.org.uk) and can join the forum which is a safe, anonymous space for women who have been affected by domestic abuse.

National Domestic Abuse Helpline

The National Domestic Abuse Helpline, run through Refuge, offers free and confidential advice, 24 hours a day on 0808 2000 247.

In addition, the service operates an online chatbot for times when it may be difficult to pick up the phone. It is run by an all-female team of experts and is available 10am-10pm Monday-Friday and will signpost information about rights and options, as well as providing emotional support.

Refuge predominantly supports women, however they believe no one should be a victim of domestic abuse and will signpost men to a relevant helplines.

Respect Men’s Advice line

Men are also victims of domestic violence and the Men’s Advice Line offers free telephone support for victims on 0808 8010327.

The Men’s Advice Line Information hub offers a range of services to men who have been affected by domestic abuse, including emotional and practical help to understand their rights and options to help them safely leave an abuse relationship.

It provides contacts to their local domestic abuse service, access to refuges and safe houses for male victims and a range of services offering specialised support for other areas of need including housing, immigration and mental health.

For anyone in immediate danger, call 999.

If you believe there is an immediate risk of harm to someone, or it is an emergency, you should always call 999. Source: www.gov.uk

AFG LAW work directly with several agencies that support victims of domestic violence. These include:


Bolton-based Fortalice offers support services for women, men, families and children from the area who have suffered from domestic abuse. The frontline services include a refuge with 22 flats, training and group sessions for victims who are, or have been, affected by domestic abuse and violence. It also covers community work inclusive of group work, counselling, support for high risk cases and specialist support for men and children & young people.

A 24 hour support line is open on  01204 365677.


WHAG is a company based in Rochdale that provides services right across the North West of England for women who are homeless or whose housing situation is not secure, as well as working with men, women and children who are fleeing domestic abuse.

WHAG will offer victims of domestic abuse a wide range of information and support and can be contacted on 01706 928 222.


Endeavour is a Bolton based charity that provides a range of domestic abuse services for people and their pets. They are the first domestic abuse charity in the UK to offer an in-house pet fostering service to enable those with pets to flee an abusive household without surrendering or leaving their animals.

As a charity Endeavour offers a wide range of services including front line community based support, group work and counselling for those affected by domestic abuse.

For more information and support, contact 01204 394 842.


OWLS (Ongoing Women’s Local Support) is an award winning community group of experts with lived experience, which offers peer support for women that have, or are going through, domestic abuse.

Their services support women and their children to overcome physical, emotional, and financial abuse. OWLS have been offering help and support to women who have experienced Domestic Violence in Stockport since 2016.

It’s team of volunteers all have first-hand experience of Domestic Violence and wish to help support other women in the same position, offering a safe place for women to come and benefit from services. These include:

  • One to one peer support
  • Mother and toddler coffee mornings
  • Buddy systems
  • The VOICE educational programme for adults addressing domestic violence
  • Confidence building courses
  • A child to parent violence programme

For more information visit  https://owls-group.co.uk/

How AFG LAW can help

If you are suffering from domestic abuse, please do not suffer in silence. Help is available for anyone who is suffering abuse at home, from family or within relationships. We can assist by offering a free consultation, in which a solicitor will contact you to discuss your circumstances to advise whether there is merit in making an application to the Court for a Non-Molestation Order, which can protect you and any associated children from abuse or harassment.

Our Non-Molestation Order guide linked below provides more information about who can apply and how the order could protect you.

What is a Non-Molestation Order? – AFG Law

Legal Aid can be available to support you in making an application for a Non-Molestation Order, subject to a means test. Within our free consultation, we can also discuss eligibility for Legal Aid.

Please contact us on familysolicitor@afglaw.co.uk or 01204 377600 for further information or assistance.